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發布時間:2022-08-11 20:14:42

Ⅰ 鑽了女生的胯怎麼辦啊是不是一輩子都臣服在她的胯下啊


Ⅱ 鑽女生的胯好玩嗎


Ⅲ 美女要我鑽跨怎麼辦


Ⅳ 我從女人的胯下鑽過 請問會一輩子倒霉嗎


Ⅳ 給女生跪下鑽褲襠的電影有哪些


Ⅵ 有一首歐美mv,風格有點色,男歌手鑽過一排短裙女人胯下,大概是08年或者更早的,

Cold As You Are
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Cold as you
taylor swift

You have a way of coming easily to me
And when you take
You take the very best of me
So I start a fight cause I need to feel something
And you do what you want
Cause I'm not what you wanted
Oh, what a shame
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day
just walk away
No use defending words that you will never say
And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through
I've never been anywhere cold as you

You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray
And I stood there loving you and washed
them all away
And you come away with a great little story
Of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you
Oh, what a shame
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day
So just walk away
No use defending words that you will never say
And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through
I've never been anywhere cold as you

You never did give a damn thing, honey
But I cried, cried for you
And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died
Died for you (died for you)
Oh, what a shame
What a rainy ending give to a perfect day
Every smile you fake is so condescending
Counted all the scars you made
Now that I'm sitting her thinking it through
I've never been anywhere cold as you

Ⅶ 跪下鑽女生的胯


Ⅷ 從女生胯下鑽過去,是不是很丟人


Ⅸ 怎麼舞蹈都有那麼多的男人鑽女人褲襠的片段


Ⅹ 有時候我想去鑽美女褲襠是不是有什麼問題呀




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